Thursday, September 13, 2012

Seasons change

If there's one thing I truly enjoy about Germany, it is seasons. They change!

I lived in Florida for the overwhelming majority of my life. I thought Florida had four seasons. That's what my kindergarten teacher said at least! In the spring there's flowers... ok, well there are flowers all rear round, but they're there for spring. Then there's summer, check, Florida has summer, no doubt. Fall... when the leaves change color... and... um we had a combination of pine trees and palmetto... they only change colors when there's a brush fire. AND winter! I wore sweaters every year, when the thermometer hit 60°. That was winter. 

Enter Germany, with the most magnificent dramatic season changing magic act I've ever seen. Winter is the most grueling, freezing, dark five months you could imagine.  Then everything comes back to life, overnight! Spring is flowery! Flowers that I would buy at a garden center of Lowes just spring up on the side of the road. Summer is largely the same as summer in Florida, except it lasts about a week. Then comes fall. I experienced my first REAL fall last year. Leaves rain down from the trees. Everything is colorful, the weather is nice, and there is a pumpkin fest!
So here we are, over a week from the official beginning of fall, and I'm already getting pumpkin crazy. This begins the slippery slope to getting Christmas crazy... 

Deep Breath 

To keep myself in the fall spirit, so I can squeeze every bit of joy out of it before I hibernate until April, I am testing bat and pumpkin patterns. Since it's hard to make a tutorial for something you haven't made before, that is still to come. I was pretty happy with my first-off though. I introduce to you, Baby Bat. Sorry, I don't have a cooler name. 

He's teeny tiny, about 4" wide, and wired up so you can flex and fold him. Here you can see how I just start with a sketch, and figure it out from there. 

I've also been toying with tiny pumpkins, they are super easy to make, so I'll have the pattern and tutorial up for those really soon! 


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1 comment:

  1. squeeeee!!!!! i love fall!! and i can't wait for you to show me how to make this cuteness!!!! if i had known at the craft store that's what you were doing, i would have bought felt and forced you to let me join in your craftiness!

    and on seasons-after living the last 7 years in places that have no fall, winter or real spring to speak of, i am SO excited fo this weather we are having <3
