Friday, February 22, 2013


This is my work in progress. From the angle, it's hard to tell what it is, but I promise, it's going to be awesome. I had planned for it to be done so I could write up the tutorial today, but life-y things have happened, and I ran out of time. Tomorrow perhaps? I'm so very close to being done, it pains me.

As for week eight... Can you believe it's the 8th week of the year already?!  
I picked up some water marble vase filler things during my downtown outing on monday. I got them solely for the purpose of entertaining my child, and that they have. He loves them, he doesn't eat them, and he managed to not make a huge mess of them... until this morning. He took it upon himself to take the container down from the counter, and spilled them all over the kitchen. If you've ever played with these things, you understand that they are practically alive. the bounce and roll all over the place they're slippery, and if you aren't super gentle, they break. Sweeping 500 of these balls up was really...really... annoying. They are pretty though, so I can get past it. 

Ok, I'll be back soon with the outcome of my mysterious knitted rectangle. :) 

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