I think my knitting fever may be breaking. I finished another scarf a week ago, and haven't knitted since. I did go on a bit of a sewing tear, and i'm happy to report that the revised pattern I posted last week is a prefect match to the original! I know because I made a bunch of them. They're not just for icky women's things, you know. I now have one for sunglasses, and one for my wintergreen Lifesavers. They're a great size for a lot of odds and ends. I'm super satisfied with myself :)
Photo: week 5
My Yarn is lonely.
I didn't do anything overwhelmingly exciting this week, so it's list time!
5 Odd Things That I Actually Love About Living Here:
#1. Not being connected to the internet 24 hours a day. (No data plan. Yes, you can live without updating FB 67 times a day.)
#2. Stores have crazy hours. Like they open late, close early, and have entire seasons off sometimes... and Sundays... nothing is open on Sunday.
(I've become so accepting of the fact that things don't have to happen right this moment. If I need something, and it's after 6pm... it's just not happening until tomorrow.)
3#. Fast food is crazy expensive.
(After watching some American commercials this weekend over the internet, I would definitely weigh 400 lbs if I had access to that stuff on the cheap.)
#4. We don't get American commercials.
(I sort of like not being marketed to all day long. When I do discover products, it's because I'm actively seeking something I need, not being told so.)
#5. I don't understand what people are saying.
(It's surprisingly relaxing to sit on the train and tune out everyone's German conversations. It's surprisingly stressful to sit on the duty bus with 25 American middle schoolers and listen to the awful awful things they talk about.)
Yes, I'm aware that most of these were on my list of things that drive me crazy about a year ago. Funny how things change.
so true. especially #3 and 5 for me! we used to eat fast food like....4-5 times a week! of course, we eat at the food court a bit, but that takes planning and thought and time...haha we eat LOOOOTS more dinners at home here =)