Monday, November 4, 2013

So, It's November...

Something crazy happened in July. I was keeping myself busy with the sole purpose of passing the time until we went back home to the US. 365 project, my advent calendar sew-along, craft meetings, kids crafts, play dates and vacations. My days were absolutely packed, and somehow I felt like I was walking waist-deep in mud. The day I've been longing for for a while was still nine months away.

On July 12th, I stood up from my computer and felt something that I haven't in a long time, but remember clear as day. A quick strained muscle running down my side. I thought, that felt just like round ligament pain. I had no other indication that my reproductive system had been up to anything, honestly, I just stocked up on lady supplies and bought a $3.99 app to track my cycle the day before. Of course, all tests came out brain-numbingly clear... I was pregnant.

My due date landed about three weeks before we were scheduled to leave Germany, making it impossible to get baby's passport in time to leave. Not that I wasn't happy---I wasn't at all prepared. This changes not just my life plans, for the foreseeable future, but everyone in my family. This took a while to come to grips with.

Of course my husband and Dom were excited about the news, and we started moving plans around to make this addition as stress free as possible for all of us.

From week six to week eleven I had a continuous cycle of eating and eating remorse accompanied with laying on the couch pitifully. Thankfully all of my food stayed down, and Dominic is old and wise enough to leave me be on the pity couch.

From week twelve to twenty (currently) I felt fabulous. Being quite short, I look pregnant rather than chubby rather quickly. I avoided driving myself crazy over everything, like I did the last time, and I embraced full-panel maternity pants and wireless bras with wide open arms. Only recently my ability to eat massive amounts of food in one sitting has been compromised. This will take some getting used to, but still, I can't complain. I'm finally feeling thumpy kicks, reminding me multiple times a day that this is FOR REAL, and soon we should find out if this small human is a boy or a girl.

Possibly the best news of all (oddly enough) is that we will be staying here in Germany until mid 2015. I really really thought I wanted to leave. It's amazing what a difference a baby makes. I'm over-the-moon excited that we're staying put. I feel like this is an answer to a question I didn't know I was asking. After spending months wondering where we would go next... "let's just stay here" feels right. I'm so thankful we were afforded the opportunity to stay. It wasn't an easy feat, and a lot of people had to work to make it work. I feel like I can breathe again.

Now that my plans aren't up in the air, I can focus on how insanely busy November will be! Hopefully crafts will be part of my crazy month, and if they are, I will certainly attempt to write about them.

Thanks for reading, and for forgiving my absence! The next few months should be exciting! Stay tuned!
*shamefully, my first intentional pregnancy picture. 20weeks 4 days*
(note: I'm not "carrying in my butt" that's just my butt. Yes, it's ridiculous, I'm aware.)