Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What Can You Do With Two F.Q.?

A "Fat Quarter" is a half yard of fabric, cut in half to make two square-ish pieces. It's an alternative to the long skinny piece you traditionally get with a quarter yard cut. Fabric stores usually sell them pre-cut, in bundles or a-la carte. I rarely buy more than a quarter yard of fabric, because i make small things that don't require much. Yet, as I approach our last year here, I found myself wondering how much fabric I would need in the future when I can finally sell my products. I figured a F.Q. here and there is fine for me to make a thing or two for myself, but is it enough to make a line of products for sale? 

I Set out to the craft store and bought two FQ, one focus fabric, and a coordinating lining for a grand total of $5.25. I managed to make 6 items from those two squares of fabric. I was pretty impressed. 
All except two of these are Michelle Patterns. Which I am totally in love with. The bottom middle is the coin purse that I shared with you at the bottom of this post. The top right is what I managed to make with my last little (almost hopelessly small) scrap piece. 

It came out super cute, for an afterthought. 

With notions and interfacing, total cost came out around $10. Just think, for ten bucks you can organize your whole purse! I have a new found respect for the Fat Quarter, and it's going to make them even more irresistible to me... Oh no!

Monday, April 1, 2013

For the love of it...

"...I'm singing for the love of it - have mercy on the man who sings to be adored."
-Snow Is Gone, Josh Ritter

I knew this day would come eventually. There's a bad feeling floating over my head, and I have a lump in my throat, but I'm actually a little relieved that I feel this way. I miss loving photography.

Something happened along the way that I can't quite put my finger on, but I stopped loving it. I can't even begin to express how guilty I feel saying that. I've had so many people support me wholeheartedly, and I was am good at it. Well, it ends today. 

I read an info-graphic on Pinterest that blindsided me a bit (I'm aware that having a mind-changing event over an info graphic on Pinterest is lame... that being said) Something about being a "Pro" photographer vs. an "amateur." It makes total sense to me now, but I never grasped the root word in "amateur." 

From French, from Latin amātor lover, from amāre to love.

Professional photographers scoff at being called amateur. What an insult! What I would give to revert to my amateur mindset. Looking back, my work was clever, thoughtful, and beautiful before I started trying so hard. I loved what i was doing. I took pictures of things no one normally would. I felt inspired by the littlest things. I gave a voice to overlooked aspects of everyday life. I NEED to get back to this place. 

These all came from my 365 project. As exhausting as it was, That project helped me produce some wonderful images I would never have thought about if I weren't forced outside of my comfort zone. It's obvious that I need to be forced out again. So I will be re-starting 365 in a couple weeks. To document our last year in Germany.